Marketing Through COVID-19: The Brand Survival Guide

March 22, 2020

The Covid-19 Crisis is evolving rapidly, effecting businesses and livelihoods around the globe.

As people self isolate, social distance and work from home, it is a time where consumers are actively engaged, spending increased amounts of time online.

Normal business trade is heavily disrupted and it is a time where brands must authentically engage with their online communities to survive.


  1. TAILOR your product or service experience to the context of society TODAY.
    How can your offering be enjoyed in the home (or outdoors), in social distancing? Can it become an online experience?
  2. Think LONG TERM – this downturn in the economy WILL PASS – maintain ENGAGEMENT so when normal spending recommences, your brand remains front of mind, and possibly with larger market share than your competitors who may have cut marketing activity.

As budgets are scaled back, authentic engagement with your digital community should be considered essential, and can be achieved cost effectively.


  • RE-IMAGINE CREATIVE CONTENT to illustrate HOW your service/ product can be tailored to a home environment. How can it make your customer FEEL BETTER in the context of fear and uncertainty.
  • LIVE STREAMING EXPERIENCES – create virtual live experiences of events you may have otherwise engaged with your customers. Bring it to their screens, as for some time this is the closest engagement we will have.
  • PODCAST/ EDUCATIONAL CONTENT–- think audio, podcast or an informative content series – this can be a cost-effective way to adapt to the current economic climate and can also be a one -off series.

It is a time to think differently, innovate and meet your customer where they are.

If we can help you develop an authentic content strategy during this time, please get in touch. We can work lean and within government guidelines to achieve effective results.

Our best wishes. Stay well and remember to think long term.

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